Insight and NPS Everything You Need To Know.

So you want to retain your loyal members and make sure you’re staying ahead of the competition? The answer is Insight.

Insight from TRP is a Net Promoter Score Product (NPS). It is an intelligent business tool that uses sophisticated technology to analyse feedback and provide clear direction. So no more second-guessing what your members want or need!

What exactly is NPS, and how does it help my business?

NPS is a valuable metric to measure member satisfaction, but its true worth lies within the knowledge you gain about your member’s experiences.

Member are asked a single question;

“How likely are you to recommend our Leisure Centre to your friends and family?”

They would rate from 0 to 10, with 0 not likely and 10 extremely likely to recommend.

You would follow the NPS question with a ‘why?’ question to help establish the reason behind the score and improve it (if it is not already a 10!) 

It is also a great way to gain valuable testimonials about why people are such fans of your business for use in your marketing messaging!

Based on their rating, members will fall into three categories:

  • The Promoters (9 or 10): these are the guys you want! They are your biggest cheerleaders; they are like a giant sales force that you do not have to pay! They will continue to use your services and recommend them to others.
  • The Passives (7 or 8): neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, these customers need some work as they are ‘sitting on the fence.’ One experience, either way, could move them up or down the NPS scale.
  • The Detractors (0 to 6): unsatisfied clients who can harm your brand’s image. No one wants The Dectractors!! They will probably tell anyone and everyone they meet not to use your services!

The NPS Equation

To calculate your business or departmental NPS, you need to look at the proportion of customers who fall into the categories of being a Detractor or a Promoter.

(Passives are consciously left out of the calculation)

The NPS equation is as follows:

% Promoters – % Detractors = NPS  (simple!)

So, for example:

NPS Category Number of Customers Percentage of Overall

Promoters 1800 60%

Passives 300 10%

Detractors 900 30%

60% – 30% = 30

NPS = 30

Your goal should be to move as many of your customers as possible up the Net Promoter scale, using the data generated by asking the Net Promoter Score question (above) to efficiently and effectively inform service delivery improvements.

The higher your NPS, the better!

Dr Paul Bedford – The Retention Guru, says, ‘I want to track the same person, so I don’t want to do a sample of a thousand and then in six months a different sample of a thousand. I want to track people; I want to see what’s happening to their net promoter score because what we have seen is that over time as people get exposed to the business, their net promoter score is likely to start to decrease.’

He also says, ‘You can track the fourth group, the customers who don’t respond to surveys. Historically, customers who don’t respond to surveys quite much more quickly than even the people who score you a zero.’

So why Insight?

Insight software uses the closed-loop system to handle customers’ comments and feedback. It delivers easy-to-process summaries, making reaching out to your clients much more manageable. 

Why is it important? Because it results in ‘action’ where other solutions don’t.

With Insight, you can create and send questionnaires and collect feedback and action, questionnaire, measure = actionable feedback.

Any negative scores would go straight into a to-do list for action. 

Fortunately, more often than not, these negative experiences can be dealt with efficiently as they usually have a common cause. Acknowledging the issue can raise your NPS score with a Detrator as members like to feel heard.

Can employees shift people from a Detractor to a Promoter? (Unsatisfied Customer to Advocate/cheerleader)? 

Once you have been able to identify which of your members have given you a low NPS score, you can then look for the connection. 

For example, Do these members all use the gym simultaneously, i.e. daytime or evening? Are they taking the same classes or utilising the workout area? 

If you start to see patterns that may set these detractors apart from other members, it is time to take action!  You should be checking your NPS score every four months or at least twice a year, so you can keep ahead of any issues before they come up. 

In the competitive world of membership retention, it’s clear to see how vital monitoring your NPS score is. The Insight software will retain your loyal customers and grow and increase your membership database.